"The Friday Night Alcoholic Speaks"
SO, since I am CRACKING UP at Sue's proposal for Adult Happy Meals, and since I am half in the bag, I thought, why not blog?
So sad that my Friday nights have come to this. Sitting around at my house, drinking, emailing and blogging! Somehow, I don't think these activities would be allowed up on the new "Wall of Wellness" at my school, eh?
Thinking about Friday, though, you know when you get those annoying email surveys and one of the questions is "What is your favorite day of the week?" Well, for me, always and forever, it has and will be Friday. As a kid, Friday always meant pizza at school for lunch AND pizza for dinner. Now you have to understand, this was no government cheese pizza that our school served either, oh no! Ours was made by those Italian lunch ladies...granted, they were brutal when it came to broken Kising Potion, but could they ever cook! When I was little, Friday was family trips to the library. Yep, you're right, total dorkage, but trust that my friend and I found our way into the "naughty" area of the nonfiction. I knew about a lot by about 4th grade - very technical stuff, but still - it's the POWER of reading kids, the POWER of reading!!!!! Friday as a kid meant sleepovers with my best friends AND The Dukes of Hazzard. Oh Bo Duke, how you helped me over the heartbreaking realization that Leif Garrett was a drug addict.
Then, in Jr. High, Friday meant dances, which were cool at that time, but became horribly passe with the onset of Highschool. Teenage years were Fridays running all over God's creation with whomever had just gotten their driver's liscence. We could so easily amuse ourselves...sporting events, ice cream at Friendly's and renting VHS movies at a different person's house each week. Well, then of course there was, in the advent of the highschool years, making out with boyfriends evey now and again! Yep, Fridays ruled!
Then the true debauchery of college started. THAT is where the drinking began! I can recall MANY a wonderfully fun Friday, and at the same time, have a few I really can't remember...or have to rely on others to remember for me. What a time! All through it, though, I watched "thirtysomething" and WISHED to be "grown up" and "responsible" and "adult." WHY was I in such a hurry?
Well here I am, in the Friday nights of my thirties, and as I said, drinking and blogging and emailing. What is my problem? But you know - I am happy. I have a terrifically comfy home, a husband who, for whatever reason, understands, and some damn cute kids. My parents and brother are all (generally) happy and (generally) healthy - we're nothing if not optimists. I have great, true and long lasting friends, one that is my partner in crime on this crazy website! I have coffee and shopping and wine, and I have my iTunes habit. I think I have decided that it is my own online dollar store. It seems that for $.99 I can relive those Friday nights of the past. I can sing along to "I Love Rock and Roll," or to "Centerfold," where THIS TIME I actually UNDERSTAND the words. I can be your "Venus," or channel the vixen in the Whitesnake videos. It is my house, and I can "Rock the Cradle of Love" around my living room in my underware if I want to, although I MAY opt for a glass of white wine over stains from red. I guess even in the years since highschool, I am still pretty easily amused, and you know, that may not be such a bad thing. I still love a good FRIDAY!
- Cheryl
How funny...as Brad and I were just talking today about how Friday is the best day of the week and has always been. Better than Saturday even. It is like the climax before the big "O". It is like the Christmas eve before the big day...it is...FRIDAY!
Love the photo of you, Cheryl! The cig and all.
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