How interesting! This guy, normal everyday photographer Danny Goldfield, set out on a little project to photograph a child from every country in the world. Yeah whatever, you may say, just sounds like a coffee table book, until you find that every child had to reside in NYC. He has been working on the project for two years, and is not done yet, but the press machine is moving now. I love when you read something, or see a TV show about someone, who just had a crazy idea, about a random thought or concept, ran with it, and somehow it panned out into some important work. It is how I see this blog. I mean, yeah, blogging is becoming somewhat ordinary, and tons of little teenybopper kids, adults, AND of course whackjobs and freaks, everywhere, maintain them. Not to mention, as I have explored a number of times, I am not unique. (you know, the "Super Subconscious Dad" thing!) Still, I can't help but think, if I keep posting on here, and keep looking at the world in a way that I am seeking things I could write about, PERHAPS as I blog, a thread of an idea will develop. I will get that little spark that starts a project, a theme, or some further writing. Who knows, but as I read about Danny Goldfield today, my hope was renewed in a number of things. Thanks, Danny, for showing us the universality of family, the innocent beauty of youth, the uniquely diverse place that is our country, and for showing us how ideas can GROW!
(check it out at http://www.nychildren.org)
- Cheryl
SO, I go and watch some annoying movie ("Proof", if you must know. DAMN Gwyneth Paltrow for being such a good actress. People who ask me if I named my daughter after her generally piss me off, but this movie, well, she was really good...) which reminds me that I want JUST what Danny Goldfield has. I want to do important work, and in the context of the movie, I also want love, and family, and people who care about me, and people who respect me and my thoughts. I want trust. I'm wondering a bit how a movie about MATH of all things could do this to me. I am in a bit of awe at the moment.
But that's the thing. My awe stems from the fact that a movie about math would be about proving theorems and the like, but moreover be about love, trust, family, you know, those "things that matter."
Beautiful movie.
MAY I someday be so eloquent.
Proof! OH MY! Wasn't that a great movie!?!? We saw that about a year ago. Wow. That was one that kept you in the dark till the end. Haven't thought about it in a long time...Gwynneth, yeah...she is something. She can be so positively ordinary at times that she is UNattractive, then at times appear almost, pretty? Don't know.
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