So I had this thought over the summer but after a few glasses of wine out of the box (I know, Tim...you don't approve..), I am going back to ponder it. You bring your kids to McDs, and no matter what the theme, they are excited to see what toy they get in the Happy Meal. The toy must be opened before any food is conusmed and any sticker application or assembly must also happen before the meal commences.
So why then, can't we as adults get a toy? I think of the small items that could be added to my #4 meal that would just totally make my day. A BIG LIP SMACKER lip gloss, perhaps? Or a little sex toy from the new KY line. Any of these things would just make that Big Mac all the more exciting!
If you recall, McDs did try this for a while. They gave out pedometers with their salads for a short introductory time. This was a big hit. Not for me so much, as I was forced to face the fact that I really don't move enough. But they had the right idea...they just need to broaden their prize offering. Like fun book marks for us reading type. Or perhaps pocket calcultors for those of us who need help figuring the tip?
It brings to mind just how much the little things mean in life. I mean, add a polly pocket with a 4 piece McNugget meal and you have made a little girl's day. Add a matchbox car to a little boy's cheeseburger meal and life is good!
Perhaps I should sell this idea to the King of Franchises...
1 comment:
Hey, I'd TOTALLY go for that...dinner and a quickie, who could ask for more. But, don't you think it'd be a little scary though if they mixed up the adult and kid toys?
"Hey Mommy, what's this?"
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