...and wouldn't you know that JUST as I declare my "Blog Plan" online, I would screw it up. I mean here I was last Wednesday, all cocky and ready to get more blogging done in a regular, real life, workweek...and the power goes out. Then came important union meetings/furnace guy Thursday, Work to Rule AND a broken down car Friday, brothers in town from Boston on Saturday, parents to visit on Sunday, and a car to pick up from the shop on Monday (not to mention work!) . CRAZY! We'll see this week...see if I can get a real midweek blog up and see if I can resume my "weekend edition" on Saturday!
Beck's "I'm a Loser Baby" is playing in my mind. See? It is that whole "Personal Soundtrack" thing...I'm telling you! AND, to think it is Happy 5th Birthday to iPod today! Santa, do you read blogs? If so, PRETTY PLEASE?!
1 comment:
Dear Cheryl,
You have been too naughty this year for an ipod. Sorry...maybe next year.
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