Today's Commentary - My life through lipgloss...
You know, few things give me quite as much pure pleasure as lipgloss. It is one of those things, no matter how crappy the day, if I'm out shopping, and I come across a new lipgloss, the purchase can turn the day around. Truth be told, I am a little obsessive, actually. It is something that, at times, I HAVE to buy. I have no real control over it. I know it sounds shallow, but hey, as I get older, and life and whatnot gets more perplexing and complexing, I say don't question what works.
Even today, I found a pot of lipgloss that I had bought to leave in the car. You can only rely on the potted type lipgloss in the car, unless you want a waxy hell all over your dash. It was crammed in the back of a little storage area below the CD player of the "Mom Mobile." I nearly jumped for joy, immediately unscrewed the cap and smoothed some on. I remembered the day I was shopping that I picked it up, at The Body Shop which I love, but rarely get to. I recalled the joy in the splurge of the 2/$10 treat. The Passionberry scent ( whatever the hell that is ) kickstarted my tropical thoughts, and suddenly I wasn't on the hilly country road that leads to the grocery store, but on a twisting volcanic road in Hawaii. My metalic powder blue Mustang convertible, wide open in evey sense of the word, powering me ahead; wind in my hair, salt making it twisty and ropey in that sexy beach hair way, with the smell of sea air enveloping my every sense.
You know, I guess if I think about it, the obsession started long ago. I can still see my Pink Bubblegum Lip Smacker, back when they were big and fat (remember?) that my stupid brother, who just so happens to post on this blog occationally, cranked up into the cap and ruined! I was SO angry, SO upset! I can also see my Kissing Potion. Remember that one, especially how it used to come in the real GLASS tube with the roller? Well, I can see mine, shattered on the curb, with a big, old Italian lunch lady barking "Come on, nothing you can do about that, leave it and get on the playground." Maybe it is the trauma of childhood that keeps me coming back. An eternal quest to replace what was lost...hell, it is even something I get my daughter into. I have already bought this little pack of lip glosses for her Christmas Stocking. Perpetuation of our own issues - it is what parenting is all about.
So what the hell is my point? I suppose it is GO! Go out, BUY THE LIPGLOSS, or the Fun Dip, or the YoYo, Kebangers, Chinese Jumprope, Rubiks Cube, or Magic Eight Ball. Invest in some sparkly pens and stickers, or in the silly hair acoutrements ( is that even how you spell that? Is that even a word? J.C., what the hell did 4 years of highschool French get me? - but that's another blog...) whatever gets you in touch with your childhood, good or bad. Embrace it, live it, don't forget it, and USE IT to get through the day. It may not be of the highest quality I suppose, but surely, you can think of it as the cheapest therapy around.
- "Hot Lips" (for those who know my High School acting days)
- Cheryl
1 comment:
OH my God...totally laughing my ass off. I am a lipgloss junkie myself (BIG surprise) and can totally relate. I am rather distraut that I am unable to find these 2 Mary Kay lipglosses I bought a few years back. NO idea where they went. Maybe they were stuck in the sunglass compartment of my OLD mom mobile. Never thought of that!
My first 2 Bonne Bell lip smackers (the big ones) were GRAPE and ORANGE POP. What was with the jumbo sizing anyway? That was even WAY back before SUPERSIZING. You applied it and it was just kind of allll over your mouth. But it was 6th grade, what did it matter I guess?
Ah, the glass bottled roll on glosses! I can recall them well. But I never had one!!!!!!!!!!! How sad for ME!! I think they do still make them though.
Okay...that is next weekend's quest!
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