Bought the new Johnny Mayer and am OH so happy!
I feel, strongly, at times, that I have missed my calling in life. Missed opportunities, missed chances, missed career possibilities...and anyone who knows me well knows I have an iTunes HABIT! Soundtrack of your life and all, soundtrack in general, soundtrack for a mood, I can make it! HOW DO YOU GET THAT JOB? Being the "Soundtrack Guy/Girl?" Well in general, a real calling of mine. Advice would be welcomed, particularly considering my current job DISSATISFACTION!
But I digress. Johnny. Thought I would blog my reactions to the CD as they are varied and complex.
Liner notes - Scott, I know "Musicologists" write those for classical crap, but who does the pop/rock and blues? It could be me, oh how I am sure it could be me!
Waiting On the World to Change
Like the overall vibe of the song, but a bit simple/repetitive. Then there is the little age gap thing..."Me and all my friends we're all misunderstood, they say we stand for nothing..." It is that whole Generation X or Y thing...Scott, it is YOUR first blog entry in a nutshell! Johnny is just younger than me...alas...ahhh, but the stamina of a younger man. Hmmmmm...point for further facination:)
I Don't Trust Myself With Loving You
Speaks to moments..."No I'm not the man I used to be lately, seems you met me at an interesting time..." Confusion and wondering. I really like the overall vibe on this one as well. Very accessible blues - sensual - makes me think naughty thoughts...
Johnny ventures into political commentary once again - sing-a-longable commentary at that. Seems a little goofy, granted, pop music politics, but I like it a lot. Hey, Bono became Time's Man of the Year. Could John be next? (heehee)
Gravity and Vultures
Both were on his TRY album that he put out with John Mayer Trio -love both songs. I think I like Gravity on the TRY CD a little better though...not sure why, will require further investigation. He IS a blues man, though, blues for the masses, much like Clapton.
Heart of Life and Stop this Train
Real folk sounding. I even heard a little Beatles, and a little Fleetwood Mac. During the first listen, on my way home in the van, my first thought with these songs was of Sting. On all of his solo CD's he has a "country" song, which doesn't really "fit" the album, but somehow grows on you. These two songs are instantly more likeable, but still have that same feel to me, of a real ARTIST trying something NEW. Good music is good music, pop, rock, blues, country...it it's good, it's good. That is the thing I really enjoy, look forward to and respect about John Mayer; his willingness to play the music HE believes in. (...now him "trying" Jessica Simpson? HELLO? She is just TOO dumb in my opinion, although my hubby does argue that she has great breasts...whatever...)
Slow Dancing in a Burning Room
WOW! HOT! Speaks to moments again...LOVE this one...makes me want to go and, well, you know...dance slowly in a burning room, yeah, that's it...
Bold As Love
You can never go wrong covering Jimmy Hendrix, well, as long as you're John Mayer, or Sting...my two men:)
(Still doesn't touch Sting's cover of "Little Wing" though...that one is ethereal.) Proves, I suppose, that youth and beauty will always be overcome by age...and treachery. Love ya Johnny, but Sting's still my man.
Dreaming With a Broken Heart
We've all been there...haunting..."gone, gone, gone, gone gone." A real "John Mayer Ballad", but different sounding/less pop than his old stuff. I am hearing old 80's power ballad chords at some points, just unplugged.
In Repair and I'm Gonna Find Another You
Am liking Repair better of the two, but Gonna Find has a real old sound, kind of nostalgic and sweet in that way...I am just not one for the sweet songs...I like to brood...go figure! Therefore, LOVE the line in Repair "Too many corners in my mind" Ahhhh, he KNOWS ME!
Overall, WELL worth the low, low, Walmart price! LOVE getting CD's there, on their first week of release, for $9.99...what a CD SHOULD cost. I'd have paid more for it, but on my low, low, RC salary, I am glad I paid less:)
Alright. WTF was all that!?!? Where were your KIDS? Where was your HUSBAND? How did you have time to closely analyze all that and then to WRITE IT UP even! At this point I have listened, on the way home from the Chopper, up to song 5 and all I can say so far is, MELLOW, not as trumpety as HEAVIER THINGS and I really like song #5. When I got home I was analyzing my PAYCHECK and the fact that I make $10 less a paycheck today than I did in the 04-05 school year. Something is terribly wrong. I wonder if Johnny has a song for me.
Ignored them ALL! That't the only way to do it!)
Also, truthfully, the commentary came very quickly...I am telling you, I missed my calling...should've been in the music industry!
Shoulda, woulda, coulda,
Writing liner notes is "musicology" of a sort, but not the sort that gets called musicology. That usually involves more historical depth and delving into the actual notes a bit. As far as "who writes that stuff" goes, I'd say people who write for Rolling Stone, Spin and the like.
It's a bit incestuous, if you ask me: people who do the reviewing writing the liner notes for groups that they absolutely love or highly respect. Say you're doing stuff for some Rolling Stones compilation. Yeah, you could just spout off all the general superlatives about their "hardcore-ness" and longevity, but who wants a hagiography? I don't want someone writing reviews or liner notes that thinks that the only things that come out of a band's collective posterior are golden eggs.
On Jessica Simpson: Tim's right. Nice package, but way too stupid. I mean, Chicken of the Sea? Really.
BLAH BLAH BLAH Scott, YOU wrecked my Lip Smacker!
You are right, though, as you can't really be objective about someone or something you objectify...
Off to make some dinner...perhaps some Tuna cassarole...chicken...whatever. All I know is mom never
bought that brand as it was pricey...I just liked the mermaid. You know what? When I shop with Gwynn I let her pick it out and I buy it:)
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