Wednesday, August 13, 2008

And So It Goes...

So, as promised, my first entry in the Vacation Without Dog (VWOD)Blog as now Sue is away at Hershey Park.  It'd have been so much fun to go with her and her family, but alas, on Friday we are off for the next in the slew of Howell family weddings. At least for this one, we are simply guests, and there is no stress of flower girl duty.  Post wedding, Tim and I are off to Vermont for a few days without kids.  Now what is that?  VWODK?  Sounds a little weird, but I will go with it.

The image on the left SPOKE to me today, loud and clear.  I mean, here  I am on August 13th, merely three weeks from the start of school, and I am finally picking up on this writing thing.  Every summer, I have the intentions of writing...working on some new stuff, polishing stuff I have, setting up a writing assignment I envision for our extended family (ever the teacher you know...) and possibly even submitting some work to be published, somewhere, somethow, and alas, the time has flown by.  Mind you, I have no regrets for my summer.  We have had a great time, despite somewhat crappy upstate New York weather.  We had a great trip to Maryland.  We reconnected with high school and college friends, in part due to being 20 YEARS out of HS, and in part due to college friends who have moved back to the area.  I've had plenty of "me" time, cleaning, organizing, remembering, reading, and out with friends, relaxing, dining, shopping.  My kids have had swimming lessons, weeks at their grandparent's homes, and just enough playdates.  Last, but not least, Tim has done TONS around our home. I am thrilled, and in a really good place, and truth be told, school may be three weeks away, but it is the FURTHEST thing from my mind.

So the picture spoke to me, as I said, because summer is in its last hurrah.  We have done a lot, and there is more to do, but it is bittersweet in a way.  We are certainly in the home stretch...winding down...and I am bad at this part.  In fact, I am pretty sure I could look back at older posts and see many a maudlin rant about summer's end and school's start.  Yet, as every year, this time I am going to try.  I will try to relax, I will try to embrace, and I will try to change gracefully.  We'll see...


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