Thursday, August 14, 2008

GREAT, GREAT, GREAT book...To Be Someone by Louise Voss.  It is all the life story of a former 80's pop star, told through the soundtrack of her life.  It has a realtime storyline, and in the alternating chapters you hear the "backstory" as it relates to all these songs.  I picked it up out shopping with Sue, off of a bargain table, for $4.  We thought it sounded so "me" in its premise, although I recognized only a third of the songs, being that much of the story is set in England, thus the whole europop edge.  I didn't have high hopes, but it was a bargain, and in the end it did not matter in the least.  It was a wonderful story, with great writing, great feeling, and it has set my mind adrift to contemplate my "soundtrack."  Fine use of my day, I know, but hey, what else is summer for? ( I am concurrently multitasking through my day anyways - re-reading the second Traveling Pants book, cleaning my upstairs, and packing for our Albany/Vermont trip too, so hey, cut me some slack!)

Childhood Songs 
Get Off of My Cloud - Rolling Stones
Take a Chance on Me - Abba
Witchy Woman - Eagles
Hotel California - Eagles
The Greatest American Hero theme
Star Wars soundtrack
Annie soundtrack - even when Tomorrow was being played/sung by mom on the piano
I Love Rock and Roll - Joan Jett and the Blackhearts
Flashdance - Irene Cara
Private Eyes - Hall and Oats
Peg - Steely Dan
Saturday Night Fever and Grease soundtracks 

(and I wonder where my love of a mix tape comes from - soundtrack queen)

JFS Middle School Year 
Eye of the Tiger - Survivor
Cum on Feel the Noise - Quiet Riot
Hello - Lionel Ritchie

Dust in the Wind - Kansas
Crosby Stills and Nash - Daylight Again album
new age guy Andreas Vollenweider or sthg...
Amy Grant Amy Grant Amy Grant!
Bridge Over Troubled Water - Simon and Garfunkel
Get Together - ?

Early Lansing
Stairway to Heaven - Led Zepplin

SO many to many, but Steve Miller Band stands out for sure...

Early Marriage
All I Wanna Do - Sheryl Crow
You Gotta Be - Desiree

Hannibal Hell/Buying House
Long December - Counting Crows
If It Makes You Happy - Sheryl Crow

See, I could GO ON...but life calls.  Have to take Tim and Devin down to try out their new canoe "thing."  Rock the boat, don't rock the boat baby...

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