Wednesday, November 03, 2010

"Mirror, mirror...on the wall...who has the highest moral values of all?" Oh Snow White, you know it's you and certainly not me. Funny because you are my least favorite Disney Princess of all, did you know that? Yes. I don't like your hairstyle, your laugh or your dress. When I met you in the Magic Kindgdom, I laughed because you had the shortest line. While everyone was desperate to see Cinderella and Briar Rose, you had time to snack on poison apples. Little girls couldn't wait to meet Ariel and she isn't even a princess, but a FISH! I'd start to have some self esteem issues if people were more excited to meet a fish than me.

As a child I hated the story about Snow White and her Seven little dwarf men. Now looking back, it was that nasty queen and the mirror that really scared me. I doubt I ever even saw the movie. All I needed was that picture in the book and the words on the page. Come to think of it I don't think I even owned the book, it was my cousin, Jeannie's. But things like that leave deep seeded ideas in our minds. Opinions and ideas form early in our childhood. While we may not know what influenced an opinion we have as an adult, sometimes flashbacks give us clues.

There are times in our lives that we don't want to face the truth about who we are or what we are doing. We can justify our way out of just about anything. Even though circumstances do play into each situation, there is always the cold hard truth at the foundation. Sometimes we get so deep into the fairy tale that we need someone to get out the mirror and force us to face our reflection. What we see may be shocking and we may not be prepared. The truth can strip any self respect that we had and show our ugly flaws. The wound it leaves is raw and open. We withdraw into ourselves for a while and examine who we are and how others see us. We might even feel like we deserve the poison apple.

Every now and then times like these are necessary though. Being forced to face the mirror is a chance to take a good look at reality and to make some changes within ourselves. It may be a time to listen to someone else and a time to ask forgiveness. While we may never live up to Snow White's standards, its also a chance to forgive and love ourselves for who we are deep inside. We are, after all, more than just our mirror image. The mirror can't reflect who we are on the inside. It doesn't show how we feel or how we love, where we've been or where we are going. Our reflection is just part of the fairy tale. Two dimensional - a frozen moment in time.

1 comment:

Cheryl and Sue said...

Hmmm, and it makes me think of why I like Belle, too. She's smart, likes to read, is open to a relationship, even with a somewhat hairy guy, but he better shape up and treat her right! HA!
Very insightful...overall. Glad you're writing again. I think you should, more:)