8/31 Ahhhh, the roof is finally getting done! Had to sneak this shot, as it feels REALLY lazy to be putting your feet up and playing around with a camera when people are working hard ON YOUR HOUSE, but I managed. Looking great so far, and should be done on Wednesday.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Monday, August 31.
Went in to school to see what awaited me in my classroom. As usual, 50 some odd boxes of art stuff. Having ordered it all last November, I had that feeling I get every year of, WHAT IS THIS, WHY DID I ORDER IT, and WHAT WAS I ...THINKING? Got it all unpacked and some of it situated and then stopped at Cheryl's for a quick lunch, beer and gripe exchange. Home and settled out in the sun to look at my new art books and get some kind of direction for next Tuesday!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Sunday, August 30.
Another dark, rainy day. Ran some errands, took J to McDs for lunch then settled in at home and made stuffed peppers for dinner. Enjoying one of my last late nights...up till after midnight finishing a book, FBing, ebaying, and ...late night snacking. Peeked in to see if E had brushed his teeth and turned off his TV and this is what I found. Oh no! In the crate you go, Zoey dog!
8/30 So, last night was a great dinner out, and tonight was a great dinner in. Not so great for the lobster, but such is life, and death, when you're a crustacean. Thanks to Sue for the poster Gwynn made in art class at the end of the school year professing what she wanted to do over the summer. One of her desires was to "Eat Lobster." The whole family benefited! (again, not so much the lobster)
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
CANNOT BELIEVE I haven't posted here for that many days! It is kind of neat to see all the pics in a strip though. It is a real photo story of life. Summer is winding down in a big way, and I could look back at this blog, for several years, and see the same feelings I am having right now in black and white of another time. It is such a needed thing, the return to school and regularity of schedule, but I dread it and mourn summer's loss so much as well.
Top to bottom...
Party at Mary's - Ashlyn loved the ice
Party at Marnie's - sang with Sandy and Marnie
Started to paint Devin's room
Summer Writing Institute - heard EM Crane speak
Bookclub dinner out
Finished Devin's room
Lia party at Jill's
Family movie and living room picnic
Such ordinary variety, but all things of my CHOOSING. That is what I miss in the structure of the school year too...having to CRAM IN what you want to do, because of what you have to do. Still, not much I can do about it, and although I am low, it has been a wonderful summer just the same.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Thursday afternoon at 3, August 20.
Cheryl (and kids) came over for a pool afternoon. It was another one of those perfect summer days that became even better with the wine Cheryl brought called, how fittingly, THURSDAY AFTERNOON AT 3 !!! By 3 the ...kids went off to do non- pool activities and Cheryl and I got in, catching up on topics covering EVERYTHING under the sun, literally.
Cheryl (and kids) came over for a pool afternoon. It was another one of those perfect summer days that became even better with the wine Cheryl brought called, how fittingly, THURSDAY AFTERNOON AT 3 !!! By 3 the ...kids went off to do non- pool activities and Cheryl and I got in, catching up on topics covering EVERYTHING under the sun, literally.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Tuesday, August 11
Very sad, dark, alone days. Usually hit this point somewhere in my summer. Just as June insanity hits at school every year and we are shocked and surprised, even though we know it's coming....mid August hits here and knocks me to my knees, shocked and surprised. After spending the entire summer meeting everyone's needs, I realize that the needs of my marriage have not been met in any way, shape, or form and I am devastated and jealous of everyone around me enjoying a fun life with their spouse or mate. It eats me from the inside until I am a miserable, hormonal mess who hates everyone around me even though it is no one's fault. I do eventually come out of it...and just come to accept what I've got...and realize that it's the same as I've always had...I just don't usually have as much time to feel it.
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Saturday, August 08, 2009
We have a two day update again, but hey, I got 'em in order this time! WooHoo! Friday was our anniversary, so you have the movie "Julie and Julia" post lunch at Red Lobster. Then Saturday was dinner out at Blue Moon Grille mostly because I had done my nails and had a new Ann Taylor Loft dress I wanted to wear! Ahhh, days without kids...it all ends tomorrow, but it has been GOOD:)
Friday, August 07, 2009
A bittersweet day. Jillian's last day of the Sheldon Institute. Spent the day with her seeing what she has done, having a luncheon, and then seeing the Sheldon Showcase. Haven't really walked around the campus since I was a student and kind of miss it. But not enough to go back! The memories were just nice to visit. Jillian says she will really miss it. A definite for next summer!
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