Summer brings WORK! Already, in just four days without "real" work, I have gotten more done at home, joyfully, than I have in like a YEAR! The top shows reorganization in the bathroom...HOW can I have SO MUCH MAKEUP AND CRAP? Second question, how can I have so much expired medication...I feel like I go through it rather periodically, yet today I threw stuff out that expired in 2006! I know I have gone through my stash several times in the past THREE YEARS! Oh well, it probably is in some way connected to where and why socks disappear in the wash...
The second pic shows my kids RAKING! For some reason, I can get them to mow and rake with minimal grumbling. If you look closely at my knees, rain was JUST starting, so the project was dropped rather abruptly, but still...I am highly thankful for my great kids!
Good day today...
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