Just feel like ranting for a while...last night before the end...back to school tomorrow after a wonderful Christmas. I don't like Sundays anyways, but Sunday at the end of vacation is even worse. It makes me sad too, to not like Sunday. It isn't Sunday's fault, but I am one of those people who dreads the end instead of enjoying the moment.
Today started out OK, as Tim took the kids to Sunday School. I relaxed, hung out in my cozy robe, caught some Food Network, drank my coffee and read the paper. I thought that, perhaps, the Sunday grumpies would pass me by, but alas no. Something kicked in and I was angry at the world, annoyed at the fact that we chose to do "nothing" with our day. ( mind you we had a big dinner out/hockey game the night before...doing "nothing" was JUST FINE, in theory, at least last night ) I was on a rampage to finish jobs I had wanted to finish over the break, and to start new ones for the new year. Yep, I was a joy to behold from about 10-4, and goodness knows, it could've gone longer, but at 4, for some reason, it was almost like a switch, and I decided I was DONE. I settled in and watched (and LOVED!) the "Tinkerbell" movie with Gwynn. Then I had a glass of wine, and cooked a yummy dinner. I talked with Tim, watched some football, and "baked" some freezer chocolate chips. Right now, I am settled in front of my computer, having just redeemed some iTunes gift card $ for Idina Menzel's CD, "I Stand."(really want to go to New York, see WICKED this year, with the kids!) I am, truth be told, a little proud of myself.
I am not one for big sweeping New Years Resolutions, but I am feeling one coming on. Maybe, just maybe I could harness the Sunday grumpies this year. Maybe, just maybe, I could stay more in the moment, rather than worrying my days away. It sure would be an improvement, for me and my family. Time will tell.
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