...so I guess I will have to rename my alter ego. "The Friday Night Alcoholic" perhaps would be better named "The Saturday Morning Caffeine Craver," or perhaps even "The Saturday Afternoon Iced Coffee Consumer," as here it is 1:36 pm and I am finally getting to write. I blame school starting and frustratingly getting in my way of my living my LIFE. Jobs, aargh, can't live with 'em, can't quit 'em, need the paycheck to support Vera Bradley habits, etc. etc. etc. Anyways, last night was the first Friday night of the first full week of school and what started as an excitable evening where I had all kinds of plans for what I wanted to do with "my time" turned into me, in a sleeping bag, on the couch. I didn't even make it to the end of "What Not to Wear." First it was pizza for dinner and a beer, then it was relaxing and playing with the pup and the kids, then it was bedtime routines. When 9:00 rolled around, I cozied up on the couch with a second Dundee Wheat beer, and my buds, Stacy and Clinton. For whatever reason, I got chilly...probably the body shutting down, putting its own sad party pooping plans into place. Tim bought a mummy style sleeping bag this week, for an up coming Cub Scout camping adventure, and it was out on the computer room couch. I grabbed it, climbed in, zipped up and checked out. There was no way around it, the minute I was in I was down for the count. It is sad, really, how much of our leisure time we really have no control over. The past week and a half have been consumed with work getting started again, but our evenings have been usurped as well. Extracurriculars have begun, for the kids and for the adults, and any "issues" in life, which in the last week and a half have included a gas tank issue standing in the way of a car inspection, a persistant bee's nest, and a rather expensive water leak, fortunately OUTSIDE the house, have to be delt with somewhere between 4pm and total collapse. I have been reading Loving Frank, as Sue did earlier this summer, and it is easy reading, but mentally very hard, thought provoking. It is all about the affair between Frank Lloyd Wright and Mamah Cheney, and it brings up so many questions about choices, committment, creativity and needs. I want to sit and consume the book and be able to think, but again, the past week and a half, reading has sent me off to dreamland even quicker than said sleeping bag. I know things will slow down, or at least become the norm. Our bodies will adjust to more activity, more stress, more work and less sleep, but I want that adjustment to be done NOW. I want to be happy to reach the weekend for reasons of fun, not just reasons of replenishment. It'll come, I know, it always does, but I need to have patience, I need to read Frank, and most of all, I think I need some more iced coffee...
1 comment:
I am commenting to MYSELF, how sad, but in rereading my blog, and looking to the VanGogh of the day, I realize it is the bedroom painting from our faculty room wall! Sue's painting! TOO funny, and doesn't it speak to me right now. Maybe I will go read Frank in BED - GLORIOUS BED!
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