"Strange Kind of Love" by Love and Money
GO BUY THIS ALBUM ON iTUNES. Yeah, I just did, and you all know I have a PROBLEM, but I HAD to have this. This is MY album. It was purchased in the Fall of my senior year of highschool, while on a short shopping trip with our foreign exchange student Tarja. She implored that I must buy it as it looked interesting and I just needed to try it out. It was bya group called LOVE and MONEY after all, and what else was anyone in the 80's looking for? She was really good at talking me into anything, pushing me to do anything, pushing me off a cliff, but that is another story. Anyways, I purchased the TAPE and it lived in my 1980 powder blue VW Rabbit for the next several years. It was surely the soundtrack of that car, along with Stevie Nicks "The Other Side of the Mirror", an obscure non Lindsey Buckingham Fleetwood Mac album called "Behind the Mask", and two or three mixed tapes, literally labeled Car Tape, 1-4. It is a great album, and certainly worth some more detailed commentary, but here is why I mention it TODAY. I finally found it on iTunes! I have looked for it for years in CD form, and haven't found it. It is available on amazon, but only from other sellers. I mean, I had it on tape, so I wasn't desperate, but still. I am so excited to have this piece of ME in mp3...hey, that's kinda catchy.
Must go listen and drift back.
Must go listen and drift back.