I was looking back at our blogs recently, having just put the blog on favorites lists for both my parents and my brother and sister in law. (Probably checking to see that I hadn't said anything truly incriminating:) Still, I harkened upon February last.
We are coming off February break right now, which SUCKED! Yeah, I yell at my (almost) 10 year old son for using that word, but it really sums it up. We started Feb break sick, ended it adequate, and went back to work 100% healthy. I was FUMING over this at numerous times, having the "I love being home, but hate when I HAVE to be home," argument with Tim. He was patient, as always, but in looking back, FEBRUARY BREAK 2007 WAS THE SAME! Literally the SAME! Thing is we had umpteenmillion snowdays both before and after break. It was no big deal to be sick for "the real thing." I live in a snowbelt for a reason - I expect snowdays - and right now I feel gypped!
Should I ever even breath a thought of traveling over the February break period, anyone out there reading this, HIT ME, and hit me HARD!
Second quick thought of the day...as Devin was making a precocious comment at dinner, and as I sipped my second glass of wine with "Much too good for Tuesday night homemade soup,"...I said to Tim "This kid is finally going to hit his stride at age 32." HELLO - my brother, who Devin is, quite regularly, the second coming of, IS 32! So, is this "wine-induced prophecy" for Devin or Scott? Hmmmmmmmm...
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