SUMMER HAS BEGUN! Actually, here we are, in the third week, and I finally have a moment to get back to blogging. But who can blame me, I'm a mom after all, and am completely and utterly BEHOLDING to my children's constant needs. Seriously...I read an advertisement that really ticked me off, and according to it, that IS the deal. It was for Suave products, which I have never liked anyways (refer back to my expensive shampoo issues a few months ago:), and it stated the following..."The average mom ranks juggling her kids' summer activities as priority #3. Her appearance ranks #47. Don't drop the ball on your beauty." PLEASE! I mean, I will admit to doing a sufficient amount of running for my kids, as I should, and as I am happy to do, but ALWAYS putting the little buggers before ALL else? I feel like our country in general is in this mom crisis. All you hear about these days is what you should/could be doing for your kids. Kids are overscheduled, overindulged, overenriched, and overstimulated. Kids have dance on Monday, piano on Tuesday, and DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON SOCCER! We have kids as early as 1st and 2nd grade that have soccer 2 and 3 nights and twice on the weekend. How could a mom possibly have any time for herself?
Well I'll tell you, I am NOT that mom. I am a firm believer in time for YOU. I want my kids enriched, but I want myself enriched as well. I want my kids to read good books, and see me reading them as well. I want my kids to learn new things and work towards goals and ambitions, and I want to do the same. I am not just talking about those acceptable adult ambitions like becoming wonder woman at work either. I mean the things we hope for our childern, to try and learn new things, like how to make pie crust, which I really want to do, or to play the flute, which I am working on as well. We give them opportunities to try and explore and we should do the same as adults. I need to be stimulated and enriched in order to be a whole person, and unless I am a whole person to myself, I harken to say, I can't be a whole person for my kids.
Now I do have to play a little true confessions here. This blog, off the bat, has the auspicious honor of being the "geez I haven't written in forever" blog, and I will confess it has sat as a draft for about a month, AND it isn't even that good. Still, it is for ME. It is something I do for myself, a mental outlet. We have had a busy and wonderful summer, and have we done a TON for our kids, yeah, but I think I have done a lot for me too. I have nutrured myself through books, more recently travel, and through lots of time with friends both here and afar. Summer may be winding down, and the rut of work may be just around the corner, but I hope to retain this belief. I want myself and my needs to out rank my kids carpools. I don't want to drop the ball on my beauty, and I want that beauty, of knowing I value myself, to be a message that my kids get loud and clear, perhaps that being the one way, that someday, they will rank themselves as important too.
1 comment:
If you are still looking for something to take your mind off things, spend some time laughing at my site http://www.jennycurl.com. I think the two of you would enjoy it
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