Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Lord will provide...

Okay, so I am not really religious, and Bible quoting is not my forte. But I often think of this one quote (in my own words). When I was little I remember my mother's verison was God knows what we need and will take care of us. I remember really thinking about that. What does that mean? How does God know what I really need? I really need those new clogs with the braided trim at Vona's shoe store. I really need to have Mom let me have Trish spend the night this weekend. When things didn't go my way, I would really wonder what the message was behind why I was being denied.

As an adult, I often try to put things in God's hands whenever possible. When I really have a tough decision to make, I try to go with my instinct and let God handle the rest. I have never been let down.

There are weeks when things are tough at work. There are days when things are tough at home. There are times when I promise myself a day off to go do something that I want to do, for me. I will admit that I feel guilty taking a day off like that on my own. What if I need that day later? What if my kids get sick or the weather is too bad for me to drive to work? So I try to push on. Go in and work even though I really want to give in and take a me day. Monday (1/29/07) was a perfect example.

I heard the weather report and saw the radar. The afternoon was not looking good. A big storm was headed our way late morning/early afternoon. I didn't want to get stuck in a white out situation driving home. I actually considered calling in for a sub at noon. But I put my trust in our administration, that if it truly was as bad as they said it was going to be, that they'd dismiss early. I knew deep down that that was stupid. It was like putting your trust in a pathological liar. In fact, who I was really trusting, was God.

Sure enough, right on time and just as predicted, the heavy band sat on our district and pounded, relentlessly all day. No early dismissal. We learned, by seeing a breaking news report online, that one of our busses rolled over. Another was in a ditch. Very poor decision making by our Superintendent. I left at 3:45, knowing how bad the drive would be, but again, trusting. An hour and a half later, I was safe at home. I was shaking and mad at myself for not trusting my own instincts to leave at noon.

The next day, God gave us what he knew we all needed. A recovery day at home. I put my children on the bus on a 2 hour delay and went to Oswego for me time. The sun was smiling at me as I followed dry roads all the way to pick up my new Norah Jones CD, some wine, a book for my son and a latte at Dunkin' Donuts. I came home to a phone call from Cheryl, we laughed and talked about in laws. I drove out to pick up my children from school and took my son to a Dr. appointment. It was a day when time stood still, not a day of rushing to beat the clock. It was the perfect day.

The day was truly what I needed. Little did I know, more was to come. A beautiful stretch of snow, causing us to delay, close early or close completely, every day the following week. I enjoyed being home with my kids, watching tv, shopping online, staying in pjs and cooking meals. A chance to stop time, have to be no where, and just be.

It has been a stressful year and a half without a contract at work. Many of us are feeling frustrated and burnt out. I feel that this was really what we needed. A break from school, but not our vacation. We still have that to look forward to!

The Lord really is good to us. If we look for his hidden messages and see his gifts, they are there every day!

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