Thank you Santa! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, for my iPod! Even though I was not, at all times, a good girl, goodness knows, I do believe, that maybe in some small way, I was good enough to deserve it.
I am so impressed with it, really. What a cool device. It is so seamless with the iMac, and subsequently, I feel so techno savvy! It is a real youth inducing turn on! I mean, I know, to most "kids these days" it is no biggie, but the fact that now I can carry around 1,000 songs, expertly organized by me, self proclaimed "Music Gal," blows my little "brink of the technological revolution" mind. I have always felt that people of my EXACT age (...35 soon to be 36 - ack!) are just a TOUCH behind the computer curve as it is. In elementary school, I had NO computers, whereas my brother, 4 years my junior, had a burgeoning Commodore 64 lab, tape drives and all, at his disposal. In highschool, my class took keyboarding and subsequent classes took word processing. In college, papers would still be accepted if handwritten, and some of us did haul ass to the on campus computer labs, but I had an electric typewriter. Actually, I recall mine being a hot commodity around the end of the semester term paper crunch. When one of "us" in college got an electric typewriter that actually had word processing capabilities, it was the hot, HOT commodity on the floor. In the next four years, everyone came to school with their own desktops, and now you have wireless capability surging through most dorms. I have always, in this venue, felt just a little bit behind...but not anymore. I was already the Apple cheerleader, but I have gone totally over the top since the iPod...Apple really ought to be paying me for the free advertising I give out everywhere I can. Tim always calls me a Marketer's Wet Dream, and again, he has been proven true. Thank you Apple Gods, I will now buy anything you market to my quickly becoming middle age little mind!
(...can't believe I mentioned the "S guy" at the beginning of this blog and wet dreams at the end!)
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