Our life story, one fragrance at a time.
This weekend, while getting ready to go to a Mary Kay party with my sister in law, I was inspired to pull out an old Mary Kay perfume that I had not worn in years. JOURNEY. I could remember what was going on in my life when I bought it, how much I loved it, and pondered for a moment why I stopped wearing it?
On the drive home from the party, Margie and I discussed, the fragrances of our lives. We had a good laugh, wondered what ever happened to certain perfumes and how could we smell them again? Her long lost love was Debbie Gibson's ELECTRIC YOUTH. That was the one we laughed over. I, being almost 5 years older, missed out on that one. We traced it to circa 1987, when my fragrance was probably LIZ CLAIBORNE. She said she also did the that, but probably a couple years later, when electric youth died out.
My earliest fragrance was probably Avon's SWEET HONESTY, probably purchased for me for Christmas by my Aunt Barb in 3rd or 4th grade. Not counting the countless Avon pins with the fragrance glace tucked inside a trap door that was like your training period with perfume. I still have my yellow kitty pin somewhere with a tiny bit of glace still remaining.
I remember a perfume called BLUE JEANS probably from 4th grade. It came in a box with a denim looking texture. If there is any fragrance I would love to return to for a day it would be BLUE JEANS. I have no idea who even manufctured it. In 5th grade Mom got me the Avon Church Mouse decanter filled with Delicate Daisies perfume. That wasn't as big a hit as I still have it in my drawer and it is 3/4 full.
Love's BABY SOFT was probably the next fragrance which began in 6th grade. I had the powder and the pink spray with the bubbled tops. Weren't they the best? Every now and then I have to take a sniff while at Walmart. Just to go back for a minute.
In junior high I began the stockpiling fragrances. I recall several Christmases and several Avon decanters. There was some bird from my grandmother, with most likely Bird of Paradise inside. I remember Here's my Heart and others.
High school brought new friends and new influences. A friend of mine wore Jean Nate, but I couldn't do it because that is my Grandmother's fragrance. When she branched out to WINDSONG I gave that a try. It was a little on the grown up side, but pretty. I also became very much a fan of ALYSSA ASHLEY'S musk. BONNE BELL's skin musk followed as did Avon's soft musk. Yes, just as high school was a time of trying to find myself, it was a time of no one particular signature fragrance.
College came and the musks did follow. But then I went through a time of testing the newer, not usually ME smells like BIJAN! and Opium (the generic of course). Liz Claiborne was a favorite as were some of the bath and body works scents like GINGHAM.
The one perfume I wanted so badly was ETERNITY. It was just so expensive! I finally splurged on that in grad school and was horrified to find out how completely overpowering it was! You could TASTE it! I recall putting it on BEFORE showering and then being fine.
When I got married in 1992, my fragrance was Victoria's Secret's VICTORIA. I am not even sure if they make it anymore. In my drawer I think I may still have a brand new bottle of it (purse size of course).
Then came the years of MARRIED WITHOUT CHILDREN. A part time teaching job with lots of time to shop and explore fragrance. In 1996 I fell in love with OCEAN DREAMS. Not for myself, but for a very close friend I left behind at Hillside Children's Center. I bought an expensive bottle of it as a goodbye gif for her when I left to work at the Crick. The photo at the top is of that perfume. I never did buy a bottle for myself as promised, as I learned that the salary at the Crick did not allow such extravagant self indulgences!
Then came children. I don't recall wearing much other than Bath and Body works bath splashes as fragrance (cheap!). The Christmas after Ethan was born I told Dave that I wanted Estee Lauder's Pleasures. I got it and used the whole bottle that year. It was nice, but I never really felt it was who I was. But the expense made me pretend!
In 2000, around the time I got pregnant with Jillian, I had bought myself a bottle of Mary Kay's JOURNEY on the black market (ebay). Again, still at the Crick, I couldn't shell out the $36 price tag. So I bought a full sized sample bottle for less than half the price. I lived in that fragrance and loved it all through my pregnancy. I had a happy pregnancy, as stressful as it was. The house building, house selling, moving....perhaps that is why once we moved, I never unpacked it?
After that I did a 2 year stretch of CLINIQUE'S HAPPY and HAPPY HEART. They were what they say...happy. Not sexy or heavy or beachy or musky....just....happy. It was all good. But then....I found ME! Well, the ME of 2005 anyway!
So we wrap the story up with where I am now. Sarah Jessica Parker's LOVELY. I am on my 2nd bottle now, my 2nd year stretch. Will it carry me into my 40s? Not sure. Depends on whatever else is out there for me...
This weekend, while getting ready to go to a Mary Kay party with my sister in law, I was inspired to pull out an old Mary Kay perfume that I had not worn in years. JOURNEY. I could remember what was going on in my life when I bought it, how much I loved it, and pondered for a moment why I stopped wearing it?
On the drive home from the party, Margie and I discussed, the fragrances of our lives. We had a good laugh, wondered what ever happened to certain perfumes and how could we smell them again? Her long lost love was Debbie Gibson's ELECTRIC YOUTH. That was the one we laughed over. I, being almost 5 years older, missed out on that one. We traced it to circa 1987, when my fragrance was probably LIZ CLAIBORNE. She said she also did the that, but probably a couple years later, when electric youth died out.
My earliest fragrance was probably Avon's SWEET HONESTY, probably purchased for me for Christmas by my Aunt Barb in 3rd or 4th grade. Not counting the countless Avon pins with the fragrance glace tucked inside a trap door that was like your training period with perfume. I still have my yellow kitty pin somewhere with a tiny bit of glace still remaining.
I remember a perfume called BLUE JEANS probably from 4th grade. It came in a box with a denim looking texture. If there is any fragrance I would love to return to for a day it would be BLUE JEANS. I have no idea who even manufctured it. In 5th grade Mom got me the Avon Church Mouse decanter filled with Delicate Daisies perfume. That wasn't as big a hit as I still have it in my drawer and it is 3/4 full.
Love's BABY SOFT was probably the next fragrance which began in 6th grade. I had the powder and the pink spray with the bubbled tops. Weren't they the best? Every now and then I have to take a sniff while at Walmart. Just to go back for a minute.
In junior high I began the stockpiling fragrances. I recall several Christmases and several Avon decanters. There was some bird from my grandmother, with most likely Bird of Paradise inside. I remember Here's my Heart and others.
High school brought new friends and new influences. A friend of mine wore Jean Nate, but I couldn't do it because that is my Grandmother's fragrance. When she branched out to WINDSONG I gave that a try. It was a little on the grown up side, but pretty. I also became very much a fan of ALYSSA ASHLEY'S musk. BONNE BELL's skin musk followed as did Avon's soft musk. Yes, just as high school was a time of trying to find myself, it was a time of no one particular signature fragrance.
College came and the musks did follow. But then I went through a time of testing the newer, not usually ME smells like BIJAN! and Opium (the generic of course). Liz Claiborne was a favorite as were some of the bath and body works scents like GINGHAM.
The one perfume I wanted so badly was ETERNITY. It was just so expensive! I finally splurged on that in grad school and was horrified to find out how completely overpowering it was! You could TASTE it! I recall putting it on BEFORE showering and then being fine.
When I got married in 1992, my fragrance was Victoria's Secret's VICTORIA. I am not even sure if they make it anymore. In my drawer I think I may still have a brand new bottle of it (purse size of course).
Then came the years of MARRIED WITHOUT CHILDREN. A part time teaching job with lots of time to shop and explore fragrance. In 1996 I fell in love with OCEAN DREAMS. Not for myself, but for a very close friend I left behind at Hillside Children's Center. I bought an expensive bottle of it as a goodbye gif for her when I left to work at the Crick. The photo at the top is of that perfume. I never did buy a bottle for myself as promised, as I learned that the salary at the Crick did not allow such extravagant self indulgences!
Then came children. I don't recall wearing much other than Bath and Body works bath splashes as fragrance (cheap!). The Christmas after Ethan was born I told Dave that I wanted Estee Lauder's Pleasures. I got it and used the whole bottle that year. It was nice, but I never really felt it was who I was. But the expense made me pretend!
In 2000, around the time I got pregnant with Jillian, I had bought myself a bottle of Mary Kay's JOURNEY on the black market (ebay). Again, still at the Crick, I couldn't shell out the $36 price tag. So I bought a full sized sample bottle for less than half the price. I lived in that fragrance and loved it all through my pregnancy. I had a happy pregnancy, as stressful as it was. The house building, house selling, moving....perhaps that is why once we moved, I never unpacked it?
After that I did a 2 year stretch of CLINIQUE'S HAPPY and HAPPY HEART. They were what they say...happy. Not sexy or heavy or beachy or musky....just....happy. It was all good. But then....I found ME! Well, the ME of 2005 anyway!
So we wrap the story up with where I am now. Sarah Jessica Parker's LOVELY. I am on my 2nd bottle now, my 2nd year stretch. Will it carry me into my 40s? Not sure. Depends on whatever else is out there for me...