You know, I have been thinking a lot about my car these days, anyways, as I spend a seemingly inordinate amount of time in it. Where I live it is 10 minutes to ANYWHERE, 20 to SOMEWHERE, and and HOUR to a small city. You get used to driving, a lot, and I have come to love it in so many ways. It has certainly become my therapy.
In my car, I can be ALONE. Now this can happen in a number of ways. Sometimes I literally AM alone. I resisted getting a cell phone for a long time for that exact reason, wanting to be, at times, UNREACHABLE. I guess I am the type of person that just needs alone time, and my car has always been a place to get that. There is nothing more peaceful for me than driving down a winding road, preferably on a warm fall day, a panorama of autumnal hues, the AC on AND the windows open (Impractical Cheryl - Air Conditioning the WORLD again, as my dad would chide ) and, naturally, fitting tunes on the radio. That is the way I relax, that is the way I return to the rat race that is my life with a somewhat clearer head, that is my therapy. It is a good therapy too, practical, as I can drive for a bit and run errands, drive for a bit and get the groceries, drop off prescriptions...Purposeful and peaceful, who could ask for more?
I feel fortunate, even, to have kids that are GOOD in the car. They have obviously inherited their mom, and grandpa's, car loving gene as we have FEW toys in the car, snacks only on long trips, and, at my insistence, no integrated DVD system. We don't even listen to many kids CD's in the car. I can be "alone" in my car, even with my kids there, as I tell them "Let mommy concentrate, she needs to drive." With that, little eyes look at the passing scenery, little ears take in the classic rock tunes, and, as adorable as can be, little voices start to sing..."Keep on rockin' me baby..."
And so, with all that my car does for me, don't I deserve a good one? Now mind you, I have a wonderfully "tripped out" MOM VAN, with automatic doors, hatchback, the works. And I DO love it. Vans are a fun, smooth ride, with SUCH versatility. I probably will own one for a long, long time. BUT, since my car provides me SO much, don't I deserve a play car? Since I call it my therapy, and yet don't GO to a therapist OR take any antidepressants and such, couldn't I use said cash for a FUN car? Could I claim it on my insurance - or at least use pretax dollars? Come on! It IS a thought...we do need some change in the health care system in this country. Well, I am READY, and WILLING to do my part!
Oooooooooh boy. Yep, too many days at home this week. I don't even HAVE a dream car really. I have just never been a horsey girl OR a car girl. Guess as long as I have a way to get there then I am ok. I mean, I don't want to drive a junker (well, my citation towards the end could have fit that description), but something reliable with a good paint job will do. I am perfectly happy in my Mom Taurus. I pass hundereds just like it on the road every week and feel good about that. Guess it provides some anonymity. You have to wonder about the people who buy the SCHOOL BUS YELLOW hummer that NO one else has. Like you see it on the road and say, "There's Ramona!". And they are the type that get the vanity plates too. Like you wouldn't know who it is without the RAMONA on the plate. Yep, that has never been me.
As long as we work at the Crick, Cheyrl, I am not seeing this car in your near future. Maybe you could go on MILLIONAIRE or DEAL OR NO DEAL. At this point that is your only hope...
My plan is to find myself a Sugar Daddy out there to buy it for me:)
I wrote that blog in about 10 minutes. The whole my car/my therapy thing had been floating around in my mind for a while, and then I was home (as you said - for too many days!) and the pic came up on Yahoo - it was just meant to be!
My first thought was to mention your love of your Mom Taurus...maybe when I work it into some type of submissable editorial to some magazine.
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