How sad it is to say good bye to summer. It seems as soon as we flipped the the calendar from July to August, the smell of fall in the air was detectable.
Now it is time to start thinking of cooler air, back to school, back to WORK and a regular routine. How lucky we are to have a job which has a definite start and stop cycle. It gives us a chance each year to start NEW.
As we wind down this last week, I hope to relax and regroup before heading back. I wish I were able to carry over some of my summer routine into the back to work mode. Like NOT DOING my HAIR! All summer I just wash n go. I think it looks fine...even GREAT sometimes...but once September comes, out comes the blow drier, flat iron and hairspray. Its like my hair knows it isn't summer and WON'T behave with the wash n go treatment. Half assed up dos with clips look great all summer, but try to pull that off at work? NOT...
Oh well. I guess it is just one of those things.

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