So, my quick and dirty "I have to go to work tomorrow and my husband, as well as all that work in Cayuga Onondaga Oswego BOCES don't" question is the following. When is someone going to break on to the music scene at MY age? I mean, I just found this great new chicky Sara Bareilles...love her...have loved MANY young newbies. But the question remains. Why is it all the new wonders are in their 2o's? I lived my 20's, and they were a lot of fun, but you know, I feel I have a LOT more to say now in my 30's...I love my 30's...who is going to speak for the thirtysomethings out there, or did we have our day in the sun with early the 90's TV series? Ahhhh, the tragedy! Oh well, Happy Easter anyways! - Cheryl